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Call yourself lucky in California... Here in Illinois the rules have
been amended post 9/11 and a valid SSN has become a necessary
prerequisite for a drivers license. When we moved here 1.5 years ago the
governor at least seemed to be aware of this problem and gave a
statement (though wouldn't give it in writing to immigration lawyers)
that legal aliens without valid work visa (students, spouses) could
continue driving with their foreign drivers license. We were fortunate
enough that during a brief one month period my wife could get a drivers
license in an "experimental" program where legal aliens could get a
special SSN and thereafter apply for a drivers license. The immigration
lawyers of my employer were kind enough to inform us about this unique
chance and also mentioned that most likely this would not continue.
Now the rules have been tightened, the three months grace period for
foreign drivers licenses is enforced no matter whether its possible or
not to obtain a drivers license at all...
so - you might just try another state ;-)
-- Beat
Swiss-list mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 08 2004 - 20:59:13 PST