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> Lukas
I don't know how long you have been in the States and if the laws changed
meanwhile. Some years ago it was ok to drive with your Swiss driver's licence
and an official translation for I think up to a year.
> I am an J-1 student from Switzerland working on my master thesis at the
> Florida State University. My program ends this month, means my visa
> expires end of March. But I will return to Switzerland end of April.
> My driving license expired last Sunday and I tried to renew it. They
> where not able to extend it or give me a temproray one to cover the
> period from now to the end of April, because my visa expires end of this
> month.
> I need my car and I even planed to travel in the states before I have to
> go back home. I did several phone calls but the only advice I got
> was to stop driving.
> There seems to be a problem with the law. Does somebody know what
> to do? Maybe this happens only in Florida and, as far I have seen, the
> members of this list are mostly from the west coast. But maybe somebody
> had a similar experience or heard about something like this.
> Thank you for your advice,
> Lukas
> --
> _ __
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Received on Wed Mar 03 2004 - 11:00:15 PST