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Re: swiss-list: Re: Rules regarding Food/Drug imports from Switzerland

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Re: swiss-list: Re: Rules regarding Food/Drug imports from Switzerland

From: Nicole Hillbrecht <click for textversion of email address >
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 08:42:42 -0800

I wrote an article about the new FDA Mail regulations that should answer
most of the questions which were asked in this list. It contains a
'How-To' and some information about who has to file and who does not.

To view the full article go to:
http://www.businesswiss.com/servlet/site?LOAD=news/detail&RQ_ID=29 or
http://www.businesswiss.com and click on 'News'.

You can view the article without having to register.

If you are registered and log in, you will be able to discuss about the
article in the forum. Registrations for users is free.

Hope this is helpful,


Nicole Hillbrecht
25006 crystal circle
lake forest
ca 92630, usa
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Received on Mon Feb 16 2004 - 11:11:09 PST
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