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I applied for a Non-Immigrant US Visa in Berne something like 18
months ago (J-1).
I had 3 months on the waiting list if I'm not wrong. Luckily I started
early enough.
They say that they will kill you when you go there without an
appointment but they don't. Just make sure you have all the forms you
need (see website) and go there before 11 am. The security people have
a list of appointments but they usually take care of you and say
"hasn't been on the list" when they pass your papers in.
Also note that there are only 2 appointment times per day (vs.
everyone gets a different time 15 minutes apart or so). So if you
don't want to be in the back of the line come 30 minutes early. This
can save you 2 hours later...
Good luck,
Swiss-list mailing list
Received on Sat May 14 2005 - 16:00:08 PDT