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[Swiss-list] Moving to Switzerland

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[Swiss-list] Moving to Switzerland

From: Patrick Betschmann <click for textversion of email address >
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 16:53:09 +0200
X-Mailer: WWW-Mail 6100 (Global Message Exchange)

Dear fellow Swiss-Listers,

Did anybody recently (in the past few years) move their household stuff back to Switzerland?

Would you be willing to share your experience with me? The moving company you used, the cost, the timeframe, etc.?

We're moving from the East Coast (Massachusetts) to Zurich. I've heard you can, for instance, get a container, fill it yourself, and have it shipped to your new address. Does anybody have experience with that system?

Thanks for any info.


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Received on Tue May 29 2007 - 08:34:57 PDT
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