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there's not set minimum, you need to invest as much as appropriate for
the type of business you plan. To start a hot-dog stand, a very modest
amount will do, whereas for a real estate development company, you will
need to provide substantial resources.
What is important is that your application shows that your business has
a chance of being viable, and that you and your family will not become
a burden and end up on US social security. The more money you can put
down, the easier it is for the embassy to approve your visa when they
look at your application. Note that while E-visa applications receive
special attention, the great number of applications limit the time
embassy officials can devote to your application. If you provide a
professionally arranged package with all the appropriate pieces, the
odds are relatively high to have it approved.
Many recommend you commit a minimum of $100,000 and use an attorney to
help you prepare the application. However, that minimum may not be
required or be too low, and using an attorney is good practice, but
also not required.
A good first step is to write a business plan. You need to submit one
anyway for your application. If you think you have a viable plan, then
plugging in the missing pieces (i.e. forms, application procedure) will
come in due course.
Good luck,
Axel Merk
Merk Investments
Swiss-list mailing list
Received on Fri Mar 26 2004 - 02:42:32 PST