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Thanks for this analysis.
Just one note of caution/question: On a recent NPR broadcast somebody
mentioned that it is illegal in the US to own gold bars. So I am not
sure if you could buy gold bars in Switzerland and bring them to the US.
Also note that any currency hedging obviously also may backfire but may
be a good idea if one depends on the preservation of the value. E.g., I
still remember my Swiss National Science Foundation grant in CHF for
doing my Postdoc in the US: when I applied for it, it was worth about
8000 USD more than when I received the money (ouch...).
If you live in one country for longer, I would not care too much about
this (unless you are a major global investor), if you live in more than
one country/move from one to the other over a longer amount of time, I
would keep money in both areas and move them slowly and only if needed
or if simplification is more valuable than the management effort
(obviously following all tax laws).
That's my 2 cents worth (take our pick on the currency :-)).
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Received on Wed Jan 07 2004 - 02:12:08 PST