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DISCLAIMER: Any opinion expressed by a contributor is to be considered his/her own personal opinion, not the opinion of any other swiss-list member, the swiss-list website managers or the swiss-list committee.
The answers to your questions depend on a lot of things, among them whether you
are a resident of Switzerland and/or the US and/or a state in the US (you can
be a resident of all three or even none of them and the IRS has different rules
to decide whether you are a resident or not than the former INS) , your
nationality, your visa status, type of employment, duration of stay, and in
some cases even where and how long you lived in a country ...
I suggest you find a good tax accountant in your area.
on Tue, 2 Mar 2004 10:37:54 -0800 (PST) "Yue Wu wu5_at_post" <galois_21_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
YW> Does anybody know what exactly to do? I just realized
YW> that it is approaching the deadline and have never
YW> done this before and the consulates are not at all
YW> informative.
YW> 1. Do I pay both Swiss and US federal? If both, do I
YW> get money back from US or Switzerland? If only one
YW> which one? What forms to fill to inform the other
YW> government?
YW> 2. What about Canton taxes, in this case Geneva? Do I
YW> need to pay those?
YW> 3. I hear that one can resign from AVS. Is it worth
YW> keeping it? What are the main benefits? The only AVS
YW> office is Montreal and they were not very helpful when
YW> I phoned.
Claudio Fleiner claudio_at_fleiner.com
Swiss-list mailing list
Received on Wed Mar 03 2004 - 13:20:14 PST