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swiss-list: Open Job: Cell biologist/cell culture expert

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swiss-list: Open Job: Cell biologist/cell culture expert

From: <click for textversion of email address >
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 04:37:24 -0500
X-Mailer: Perl SendMail Module 1.06

Hi everyone

After a few years in the US I recently left San Diego and returned home to
Switzerland to take a new position in Bern. And one of my first duties is to
fill another position ! As a former ex-pat I know how difficult it can be to
find a suitable position back home, so feel free to tell everyone you know
about it.

Here's the details: We have an open position for a cell biologist / cell
culture specialist. The person should have a recent PhD in Immunology or cell
biology, should be familiar with human cell cultures, preferentially B-cells
and hybridomas, excellent knowledge of FACS techniques as well as a good
knowledge and understanding of standard techniques in immunology. Good
knowledge of computers and standard software (MS office, etc) is a must. A year
of post-doc experience and/or experience in supervising technicians would be
nice but not necessary. The person would be in charge of optimizing fusion
protocols, optimizing cell culture conditions of existing hybridomas for
increased production as well as batch culture systems for small scale
productions. Furthermore the person would be in charge of running his/her own
project, including generation of antigen-specific antibodies, characterization
and validation of lead antibodies for the clinical development, etc. Initially
the position would be within the Berna Biotech organization but the goal is to
get the department of immunology independent (within the next 3 months) and
form a spin-off company focusing on the human monoclonal technology. We
currently can make fully human antibodies from human B-cells using a human
fusion partner in order to form hybridomas. We have one mAb in clinical trials
(phase II) and a few more projects to come.

If you know someone qualified or you know a friend of a friend looking for a
similar position, please feel free to hand them my coordinates, or direct them
to the ad on the internet
(http://www.bernabiotech.com/careers/description/id.84). Please point out that
the position would be for a spin off company independent of Berna and
therefore the Berna Biotech web page is not 100% relevant for what we do.

Thanks for your help and good luck

Michael P. Rudolf, PhD
Senior Scientist
Berna Biotech Ltd, Rehhagstrasse 79, CH-3018 Bern, Switzerland
Phone +41 (0) 31 980 65 01, Fax +41 (0) 31 980 64 86
e-mail Michael.Rudolf_at_bernabiotech.com

Text job ad:

Diese anspruchsvolle Position in einem kleinen Team bietet Ihnen die
Möglichkeit vielfältige Aufgaben in den Bereichen Immunologie, Zellbiologie und
Molekularbiologie wahrzunehmen.

Herstellen von humanen monoklonalen Antikörpern
Betreuung von Zellkulturen
Entwicklung und Etablieren von diagnostischen/analytischen Tests
Durchführung von funktionellen immunologischen Tests in vitro und in vivo
Mitbetreuung von Mitarbeitern (inkl Lehrlinge)
Ihr Profil
Sie verfügen über eine akademische Ausbildung als Biologe (PhD) mit Spezialisierung in den oben genannten Bereichen. Anlässlich von post-Docs oder ersten beruflichen Erfahrungen haben Sie idealerweise im Gebiet der monoklonalen Antikörper gearbeitet und dabei Erfahrungen im Umgang mit FACS gesammelt. Erfahrung mit GLP/GMP ist ein weiterer Vorteil. Teamfähigkeit, Flexibilität, hohe Eigeninitiative und Erfolgsorientierung sind für Sie selbstverständlich. Gute Englischkenntnisse (Wort und Schrift) runden Ihr Profil ab.
Für Fachfragen stehen Ihnen Frau Violetta Georgescu-Kyburz, Projektleiterin Monoklonale Antikörper, Tel. 031 980 6253, E-Mail: violetta.georgescu_at_bernabiotech.com oder PD Dr. Alois Lang, Leiter Immunologie, Tel. 031 980 6356, alois.lang_at_bernabiotech.com gerne zur Verfügung.
Bitte senden Sie Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen an: Berna Biotech AG, Herr Marc Dennler, Bereichsleiter Human Resources, Rehhagstrasse 79, 3018 Bern, Telefon: 031 980 67 00, E-mail: marc.dennler_at_bernabiotech.com

Swiss-list mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 26 2005 - 15:34:50 PDT

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