[an error occurred while processing this directive] (none)
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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[US Citizens have to pay US taxes no matter where they live in the world
(there is a $70000 deduction if you live abroad, and if there is a
tax treaty with the country of residence some more deductions apply).
The Moderator]
When I emigrated to So. California in 2000, I left almost my entire savings
at the tax office and the military tax office. I have never ever spent so
much cash in one day. Guess they take it from you while they still can. To
my American friends it is hard to believe how much money you have to pay
just to be able to leave the country for good - a practice otherwise known
from Eastern European states pre 1989 or some African countries... :-)
Christian Ter-Nedden
Swiss-list mailing list
Received on Sun Jun 26 2005 - 14:28:28 PDT