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swiss-list: car insurance

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swiss-list: car insurance

From: Francesco Panese <click for textversion of email address >
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 21:02:14 -0800
Status: RO

Does somebody find a low cost car insurance which accepts drivers with a
swiss driving licence?
I've seen on the swiss-list web page that California Casuality is a good
one. Somebody knows if they accept swiss driving licence? At what price?
Thank you.


Francesco Panese
2226, Jefferson Ave Université de Lausanne
apt. #D SSP/ISCM
Berkeley 94703 CA CH-1015 Lausanne
US tel. +41+21/ 692.32.22
Tel: ++(510)649-8961 fax. +41+21/ 692.32.15

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