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Top : Tips and Tricks : Culture Shock

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Culture Shock

You cannot avoid it, but you'll survive and life will be much better afterwards.

After about a month (sometimes earlier) you will start asking yourself why you were so foolish to come over here. This usually happens after you have been sent for the fourth time from the DMV to the SSN office, and back again. Don't worry, you'll survive and once you were able to get those basic things (housing, car, SSN, health insurance, car insurance, drivers license, bank, credit card) organized and you can drive around without getting lost you'll probably have a great time here. Hopefully the tips on this site help you in getting over the post travel depression phase :-) And remember: what you experience here is the same than what foreigners coming to Switzerland experience (and no, its not better in Switzerland, on the contrary, its even more expensive to get everything).

Submitted by: Claudio Fleiner

Pages Updated On: 30-Dec-2007 - 03:12:02
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