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There is a new member of the swiss-list family!
Since today an eastcoast list is operating: eastcoast_at_swiss-list.com
Owner is Pascal Marmier <pmarmier_at_aol.com>
To subscribe/unsubscribe visit http://www.swiss-list.com/mailing/
The archives are available at http://www.swiss-list.com/mailing/eastcoast/
Here the description:
Welcome East Coast Swiss List Subscriber!
The East Coast Swiss List is the sister list of the original Swiss List that
started in the Silicon Valley area. The goal of this list is to give useful
information to the Swiss living in or visiting the US east coast. It will
also include regular information about Swiss House (Cambridge-based digital
consulate) activities.
More specifically, the list will allow you to:
- share useful tips and opinions on Universities, places, professional
- keep informed on the events of the community in the area (social,
business and cultural events)
- post your request for information on any topic (moving onto the East
Coast, administrative issues, search for housing....)
- network with other Swiss students and professionals
- create a marketplace for furniture and other used items
Be creative! The idea of the list is to share everyone's resources and
bring the growing Swiss community together.
To unsubscribe from the swiss-list mailing list send the
message body of "unsubscribe swiss-list" to majordomo_at_swiss-list.com
or visit http://www.swiss-list.com
Received on Mon Jun 12 2000 - 21:40:38 PDT