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My 2˘ worth:
- Did the "Ecole de Recrue" :-(
- Swore they wouldn't get me again. Ever.
- Broke an arm one year, broke a leg another year, had EPFL exams yet
another year, etc. etc. In short managed to avoid them pretty well.
- Finally, cornered, moved to France in 1991. Sent a postcard to the
Captain: "Cher Monsieur (they love it to be called 'Monsieur'),
C'est avec un vif interet que j'ai recu votre aimable invitation
pour le cours de repetition CR-machin-chouette que vous organisez au
col du Simplon en Decembre. Malheureusement, je serai en conge
militaire des novembre deja, et ne pourrai donc pas participer. Je
vous souhaite cependant plein succes dans vos manoeuvres. Meilleures
salutations etc.".
- Paid the infamous "military tax" for 3 years --fortunately, based on
my PhD student salary.
- Came back to CH for ~6 months in 1995. Got exempt from all military
obligations for the first 3 months (= "Congé militaire"), then
extended it for the other 3 months.
- Moved to California 95--99.
- At the moment, staying in CH for ~6 months... (by now you know the
- Will move back to California in April.
So what's the point ? Well, as long as you stay in CH by periods of 6
months every 3 or 4 years, that's bearable... You never have to
disguise yourself again, and you don't re-prime the 3-year money pump.
Pierre Demartines, Ph.D http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/~demartin
Temporary address: Motorola INC. European Semiconductor Group
207 Rte de Ferney, PO Box 15, CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 799 1427 Fax: +41 22 799 1307
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