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swiss women in the Bay area

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swiss women in the Bay area

From: laurent mieville <click for textversion of email address >
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 21:36:48 -0700 (PDT)

 Hi all,
 I received the following email from a journalist interested in meeting
 women active in the Bay area. My reply is also included FYI.
 By the way, I would like to thank those who came to the party
 organised by the silicon valley association. Eight members of the
 swiss-list were present and the visiting crew was very interested by
 their experience.
 Laurent M.
 From: MariaSpeck
 Subject: Swiss-List
 Sehr geehrter Herr Mieville,
 Herr Hof hat empfohlen, dass ich Sie anschreibe: ich bin freie Journalistin,
 arbeite vor allem fuer deutsche Medien, aber auch fuer die Schweizer
 Frauenzeitschrift Annabelle.
 Diese ist vor allem an Schweizerinnen interessiert, die hier in der Bay Area
 interessante Arbeit machen. Das koennen Wissenschaftlerinnen sein oder andere
 Frauen, die an ungewoehnlichen Projekten arbeiten, die fuer Schweizer Frauen
 interessant sein koennten. Da es fuer mich schwer ist, solche Schweizerinnen
 ausfindig zu machen, hatte ich mich an Herrn Hof gewendet. Er empfahl die
 Swiss-List. Was meinen Sie dazu? Koennten Sie mir ein wenig ueber die Liste
 Ueber eine baldige Antwort wuerde ich mich sehr freuen,
 mit freundlichen Gruessen
 Maria Speck
 Dear Maria Speck,
 Thank you for your email inquiring about the swiss-list. Allow me to answer
 your questions in English for convenience.
 The swiss list is a network of mainly young swiss scientists active in
 the Bay Area. It provides a simple way of communication between its members
 via email or the web. It also can be helpful to draw collaborations between
 swiss organizations (University, private companies...) and the swiss
 scientific community of the Bay Area. Among its members are women
 working in different fields such as Stanford, Intel Corp., Parks,Berkeley...
 You can find their references on our web site:
 <A HREF="http://loki.stanford.edu/~mieville/swl_wel.html">http://loki.stanford.edu/~mieville/swl_wel.html</A>
 where a listing of our members is given (including email)
 I hope you will find some interesting contacts for your article. Please
 let me know if you need additional information.
 Best Regards,
 Laurent Mieville

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Received on Tue Mar 11 1997 - 12:07:51 PST

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