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This is a reminder for the picnic this Saturday. Forecast looks pretty
good too!
Time for another get together. Let's have a picnic at the beach.
Everyone is invited!
Where: Seacliff Beach State Park in Aptos, just south of Santa Cruz.
You'll find us to the right of the pier (facing ocean). We will have a
couple of Swiss flags out so you can find us.
When: Saturday, Sept 10, 2005, starting at noon.
What: Picnic (no BBQ grills on the beach. There are some up in the
group area, but we prefer sitting at the beach). Bring your own food,
drinks and plates. We will have a volleyball net.
http://www.swiss-list.com/social/ for more info.
In order to get an idea how many people will be there, we would
appreciate a short note.
Hope to see you there,
Hansjürg & family
Sfbay mailing list
Received on Thu Sep 08 2005 - 09:46:14 PDT