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Not that I am particular experienced in OB-Gyn, yet:
There was some time ago a list out done by San Francisco Magazine on the
best doctors in the region. They have not done a rerun but it did list
various centers around which good doctors focus. When coming to the region I
did some research and found that PA Medical Foundation draws from Stanford
but seems to be better rated. Also, there is in Woodside an Ob-Gyn focused
center mostly run by women (sometimes a concern).
I then checked the websites of PA MF and Sutter Healthc Clinics. Also,
triaging to the Blue Cross Website (or your insurance) may narrow down
choices. Adding additional limits such as language spoken may help.
Finally, I would concurr that UCSF appears to be better rated than Stanford.
A caveat I found is that "the best doctors" by rating maybe either totally
booked or find less interest in you than the doctor around the corner, just
because health care delivery is a business after all and market rules do
Michael RS
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Received on Thu Aug 22 2002 - 18:08:42 PDT