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Dear Swiss-Lister,
To take advantage of the (hopefully) upcoming Indian summer,
I propose to get together for a BBQ on Sunday October 15.
The BBQ will start around noon in the Huddart Park
(http://www.eparks.net/parks/HuddHome.htm) located between
San Francisco and San Jose in the Peninsula. As usual,
fire (that is, charcoal neatly lighten within a BBQ pit)
will be provided, while everybody should take care of his
own food and beverage. There is an entry/parking fee of
(I believe) $4.00 per vehicle.
Please, let me know if you plan to come (if possible with
number of persons) so that I have a rough head count.
I hope to see you there,
-- Laurent Vuilleumier e-mail: L_Vuilleumier_at_lbl.gov Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory phone : (510) 486-6108 1 Cyclotron Road, 29C fax : (510) 486-7303 Berkeley, CA 94720 ================================================================= To unsubscribe from the sfbay mailing list send the message body of "unsubscribe sfbay" to majordomo_at_swiss-list.com or visit http://www.swiss-list.com/mailings/Received on Tue Sep 26 2000 - 14:12:57 PDT