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Salü zämu!
I am a student in Pharmacy at the Unviersity of Lausanne, Switzerland
and I am coming to SF for an internship at Tularik (South San Franciso)
from July 17th to October 15th. As you can imagine, I am looking for a
place to stay during that time and I find it pretty difficult to arrange
things from here. I know about the different housing listings (Craigs
list, UCSF, Stanford) but it feels strange to move in a place I have
never seen before with people I have never met. As I know some of you (I
have spent a year at Stanford in 1999), I would like to take my chance
and ask you if you have or know of someone who has a room to sublet this
summer. Ideally in a safe neighbourhood in the city or in a driveable
distance from South San Franciso.
I would really appreciate any help!
Thanks in advance, Milena
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Received on Fri Jun 09 2000 - 03:26:33 PDT