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> I worked only for 2 years in CH. When I took the money out of the fund, I
> got a décompte and the amount my company and I paid was about 3500 CHF.
> Taking out every fee, taxes, Quellensteuer and other special fees when you
> ask for a Barauszahlung, they sent me about 1800 CHF.
I think that you have to distinguish taxes from the amount you really
get from your "Caisse de pension". In fact, you never get the total
amount your company and yourself paid (this is also the case when you
change your employer within Switzerland). You always get the total
amount YOU paid plus some percentage of the amount your company paid
(and this also depends on how long you have being working in the
company). There is a law for this (LPP = Lois sur la Prevoyance
Professionnelle) which fixes the minimal amounts and so on. (I don't
know the details).
Hope this help,
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Received on Wed May 31 2000 - 11:21:57 PDT