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swiss-list You know you're from Silicon Valley when...

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swiss-list You know you're from Silicon Valley when...

From: Laurent Piguet <click for textversion of email address >
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 15:38:36 +0200
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.72 [en] (Win98; I)
Status: RO

Forgive me if:
- you have seen it already
- you don't find it funny
- you don't get it

For the others, I thought it was worthwile passing on...


You know you're from Silicon Valley when:

* Your combined household income is $140,000 and you can't afford shoes
for the kids

* You think anything slower than DSL is barbaric, but can't get it in
your neighborhood

* You know what DSL stands for

* You and your spouse almost come to blows deciding to hit Peet's or

* You think that American food includes sushi, naan, pho, pesto and pad

* You met your neighbors once

* When asked about your commute you answer in time, not distance

* Even though you work 80 hours per week on a computer, for relaxation
you read your email and peruse eBay

* You have worked at the same job for a year and people call you an

* The T-shirts you value most were for products that never made it to

* You can name four different programming languages and you are not a

* You remember the names of the three closest cheap sushi joints, the
location of all the Fry's in the area and which companies your friends
work for that are going public in the next year, but don't know the name
of the mayor

* Standing in line at Starbucks you wonder why the employees don't call
a head hunter

* You work 6 miles from your home and spend two hours a day commuting
and $40 a week on gas

* Winter is when your lawn grows too fast and summer is when it dies

* The median price of a house is $500,000...for 1200 sq. ft. with no
yard because it's a town house

* You live on some of the richest farm land in the world but most of
what you eat comes from South America on a boat

* Your best friend lives across town but you hardly ever see each other
because after your commute you're too pooped to spend another hour
driving to their home

* You have a master's degree in engineering but half the people in your
department either didn't go to college or have history degrees, except
if you have a master's from Stanford, in which case everyone in your
department has a master's degree from Stanford

* You cringe when you see people in suits at your office, wondering if
someone in management will make you stop wearing bunny slippers

* You plan your vacation so that you don't have to drive back from the
airport in commute hours

* You don't go to sporting events unless you are given tickets by your

* You could sell your home and live like a king in 99% of the rest of
the world, but don't because it would be difficult to move back.

Laurent Piguet                                    laurent.piguet_at_epfl.ch
Spin-off and Start-up Program                 Mobile: +41 (0)79 310-3249
PSE Science Park                               Phone: +41 (0)21 693-3023
CH - 1015 Lausanne                               Fax: +41 (0)21 693-4675
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Received on Wed May 24 2000 - 06:34:00 PDT
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