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Hi everybody,
This message will probably be interesting for those of you who either are
nostalgic of our great Swiss wines, or who wish to find wine which won't give
a fruity taste to their favorite fondue receipe!
It seems to me that the wines which most resembles the Swiss chasselas wines
(Fendant, Lavaux, Swiss French wines in general) are:
- Forest Ville (Chardonnay)
- Domaine St-Georges (Chardonnay)
They didn't add an unwelcome taste to the fondue. You can find them on any
shelf at Safeway, Trader's Joe, at least, and they are the cheapest wines there
(3.99 $)! Does it mean that the Swiss wines rank among the cheap 'low-level'
Californian wines...?! I don't think so, but we can always argue!
Since all this is a matter of taste, someone may have had a similar experience
with other wines, so don't hesitate if you wish to contradict me!
Sante! Prost! Salute!
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Received on Tue Mar 11 1997 - 12:07:51 PST